Lawsonia intracellularis causes large economic losses in the pig industry worldwide. Pigs suffer from reduced daily weight gain, poor feed conversion ratio and increased mortality. The number of affected animals and herds in Europe remains unknown. This study will provide an overview of the prevalence of Lawsonia intracellularis in herds with a history of diarrhoea in different European countries and thereby identify country specific differences.
Out of the 144 herds sampled in Germany, Denmark, Spain, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, 90.3% (79.2–100.0%) contained at least one positive faecal sample on quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). Of the 6450 nursery, growing and finishing pigs of the previously mentioned herds, 26.2% (15.9–41.5%) of the animals were tested positive in faecal samples. Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) results of 60 herds were 91.7% (70–100%) positive. The percentage of positive samples in these 1791 blood samples was 31.6% (20.3–51.0%). Herd prevalence did not differ significantly by qPCR or ELISA. Significant differences between the countries were found regarding: Within-herd prevalence- qPCR: Samples from Denmark were more often positive than samples of Spain or the United Kingdom. Within-herd prevalence- ELISA: Samples from Denmark were more often positive than samples from Spain and the Netherlands. Affected age category- qPCR: Nursery pigs in Denmark were more often positive and shed more genome equivalents than nursery pigs in the other countries. Concentration of detected genome equivalents- qPCR: The concentration of genome equivalents from Lawsonia intracellularis in herds in Denmark was higher compared to all other countries.
A widespread of Lawsonia intracellularis in the six European countries was confirmed, whereby a large part of the positive animals only excreted small amounts of genome equivalents. Country specific differences were found with Denmark in particular diagnosing more Lawsonia intracellularis then the other countries. Herd data collected in this study needs to be analysed to get more information about possible reasons for the differences found between the countries.
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
Animal Science and Zoology,Small Animals
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