AbstractThis research used the new ISO 23478-2022 standard as a reference for the calculation of mechanical properties of N-finity, and to understand the failure modes in compression. Previous studies have investigated the mechanical properties of laminated bamboo lumber (LBL), however no study has evaluated the mechanical properties of LBL according to the recently published ISO 23478-2022. The compression testing programme in parallel and perpendicular-to-grain directions were conducted. The measured elastic stiffness properties and compressive strengths show anisotropy with higher compressive strength and stiffness parallel-to-grain direction as compared to those at the transversal directions. The observed failure modes at the parallel-to-grain direction exhibited a mixed mode failure, whereas perpendicular-to-grain directions exhibited failure with longitudinal splitting with crack propagation rupture. This finding can be quantified using Hills failure criterion principle to define the failure criterion and to estimate the Hill’s yield failure ratios.
National Research, Development and Innovation Office
Tempus Közalapítvány
Springer Science and Business Media LLC