Disentangling detrimental sand fly-mite interactions in a closed laboratory sand fly colony: implications for vector-borne disease studies and guidelines for overcoming severe mite infestations


Nzelu Chukwunonso O.,Meneses Claudio,Bowhay Christina,Coutinho-Abreu Iliano V.,Bennett Emily,Bahrami Somayeh,Bonilla Brian,Kamhawi Shaden,Valenzuela Jesus G.,Peters Nathan C.


Abstract Background Vector sand fly colonies are a critical component of studies aimed at improving the understanding of the neglected tropical disease leishmaniasis and alleviating its global impact. However, among laboratory-colonized arthropod vectors of infectious diseases, the labor-intensive nature of sand fly rearing coupled with the low number of colonies worldwide has generally discouraged the widespread use of sand flies in laboratory settings. Among the different factors associated with the low productivity of sand fly colonies, mite infestations are a significant factor. Sand fly colonies are prone to infestation by mites, and the physical interactions between sand flies and mites and metabolites have a negative impact on sand fly larval development. Methods Mites were collected from sand fly larval rearing pots and morphologically identified using taxonomic keys. Upon identification, they were photographed with a scanning electron microscope. Several mite control measures were adopted in two different laboratories, one at the Laboratory of Malaria and Vector Research, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases-National Institutes of Health (Rockville, MD, USA), and the other at the University of Calgary (Calgary, AB, Canada). Results The mite species associated with sand fly colonies in the two laboratories were morphologically identified as Tyrophagus sp. and Stratiolaelaps scimitus. While complete eradication of mites in sand fly colonies is considered unrealistic, drastically reducing their population has been associated with higher sand fly productivity. Conclusions We report a case of detrimental interaction between sand flies and Tyrophagus sp. and S. scimitus in a closed laboratory sand fly colony, discuss their impact on sand fly production and provide guidelines for limiting the mite population size in a closed laboratory colony leading to improved sand fly yields. Graphical abstract


The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

The Canadian Institutes of Health Research

The Canadian Foundation for Innovation


Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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