Young Jessica,Lyons Antonia,Egan Richard,Dew Kevin
Barriers to accessing hospice and palliative care have been well studied. An important yet less researched area is why people approaching the end-of-life decline a referral when they are offered services. This review focused on synthesising literature on patients in the last months of life due to a cancer diagnosis who have declined a referral to end-of-life care.
Six academic databases were systematically searched for qualitative literature published between 2007 and 2021. Two researchers independently reviewed and critically appraised the studies. Using meta-ethnographic methods of translation and synthesis, we set out to identify and develop a new overarching model of the reasons patients decline end-of-life care and the factors contributing to this decision.
The search yielded 2060 articles, and nine articles were identified that met the review inclusion criteria. The included studies can be reconceptualised with the key concept of ‘embodied decisions unfolding over time’. It emphasises the iterative, dynamic, situational, contextual and relational nature of decisions about end-of-life care that are grounded in people’s physical experiences. The primary influences on how that decision unfolded for patients were (1) the communication they received about end-of-life care; (2) uncertainty around their prognosis, and (3) the evolving situations in which the patient and family found themselves. Our review identified contextual, person and medical factors that helped to shape the decision-making process.
Decisions about when (and for some, whether at all) to accept end-of-life care are made in a complex system with preferences shifting over time, in relation to the embodied experience of life-limiting cancer. Time is central to patients’ end-of-life care decision-making, in particular estimating how much time one has left and patients’ embodied knowing about when the right time for end-of-life care is. The multiple and intersecting domains of health that inform decision-making, namely physical, mental, social, and existential/spiritual as well as emotions/affect need further exploration. The integration of palliative care across the cancer care trajectory and earlier introduction of end-of-life care highlight the importance of these findings for improving access whilst recognising that accessing end-of-life care will not be desired by all patients.
Cancer Society of New Zealand
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
Reference35 articles.
1. World Health Organization. Palliative care. World Health Organization. 2020. Accessed 14 Apr 2023.
2. Romo RD, Wallhagen MI, Smith AK. Viewing hospice decision making as a process. Am J Hosp Palliat Med. 2016;33:503–10.
3. Robinson J, Frey R, Raphael D, Old A, Gott M. Difficulties in navigating the intersection of generalist and specialist palliative care services: a cross-sectional study of bereaved family’s experiences of care at home in New Zealand. Heal Soc Care Community. 2021;00:1–9.
4. Syme A, Bruce A. Hospice and palliative care: what unites us, what divides us? J Hosp Palliat Nurs. 2009;11:19–24.
5. National Institute on Aging. What Are Palliative Care and Hospice Care? National Institutes of Health. 2021. Accessed 14 Apr 2023.