1. Doll R: Uncovering the effects of smoking: historical perspective. Statistical Methods in Medical Research. 1998, 7 (2): 87-117. 10.1191/096228098668199908. (31)
2. World Bank, Development in Practice – Curbing the Epidemic, Government and the Economics of Tobacco Control, Washington, D.C. 1999
3. 1997–8, Vietnam Living Standard Survey, as described below and in Bales, Sarah with Hoang Van Kinh. An Empirical Analysis of Smoking Using the Vietnam Living Standard Surveys, Report submitted to the World Bank. 2000
4. 2001–02 Vietnam National Health Survey. This survey included information on smoking, household characteristics, health, and healthcare utilization. A total of 36,000 households – nearly 160,000 persons – were selected using stratified, random design.
5. Government of Vietnam, Government Resolution on Tobacco Control Policy period 2000–No 12/NQ-CP dated 14th August. 2000