Cytogenetic screening of a Canadian swine breeding nucleus using a newly developed karyotyping method named oligo-banding


Poisson William,Bastien Alexandre,Gilbert Isabelle,Carrier Alexandra,Prunier Julien,Robert ClaudeORCID


Abstract Background The frequency of chromosomal rearrangements in Canadian breeding boars has been estimated at 0.91 to 1.64%. These abnormalities are widely recognized as a potential cause of subfertility in livestock production. Since artificial insemination is practiced in almost all intensive pig production systems, the use of elite boars carrying cytogenetic defects that have an impact on fertility can lead to major economic losses. To avoid keeping subfertile boars in artificial insemination centres and spreading chromosomal defects within populations, cytogenetic screening of boars is crucial. Different techniques are used for this purpose, but several issues are frequently encountered, i.e. environmental factors can influence the quality of results, the lack of genomic information outputted by these techniques, and the need for prior cytogenetic skills. The aim of this study was to develop a new pig karyotyping method based on fluorescent banding patterns. Results The use of 207,847 specific oligonucleotides generated 96 fluorescent bands that are distributed across the 18 autosomes and the sex chromosomes. Tested alongside conventional G-banding, this oligo-banding method allowed us to identify four chromosomal translocations and a rare unbalanced chromosomal rearrangement that was not detected by conventional banding. In addition, this method allowed us to investigate chromosomal imbalance in spermatozoa. Conclusions The use of oligo-banding was found to be appropriate for detecting chromosomal aberrations in a Canadian pig nucleus and its convenient design and use make it an interesting tool for livestock karyotyping and cytogenetic studies.


Ministère de l'Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l'Alimentation


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Genetics,Animal Science and Zoology,General Medicine,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics

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