Gambling problems among Lebanese adults: Arabic-Language version of the South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS) scale validation and correlates


Haddad Patrick,Roukoz Roger,Akel Marwan,Hallit Souheil


Abstract Background In the DSM-5, gambling disorder is recognized as the only behavioral addiction. The number of people with mental health disorders is increasing in Lebanon, especially since the economic crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic. The South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS), the most used tool in the world in terms of pathological gambling, has never been translated to Arabic, culturally adapted in a way that suits the Lebanese population and validated. This study’s objectives were to validate an Arabic-language version of the SOGS and assess factors associated with probable pathological gambling among Lebanese adults. Methods This study was carried out between February and April 2021, during the lockdown period imposed by the Lebanese government. A total of 601 individuals participated in this study by filling the online questionnaire. Results A factor analysis, using the principal component analysis, was performed on the SOGS scale items. The SOGS items were able to explain 73.35% of the variance, with an internal reliability of KR20 = 0.947 for the total scale. The results of the confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the results of the factor analysis. More problematic alcohol use (aOR = 1.17), and more depression (aOR = 1.13) were significantly associated with higher odds of probable pathological gambling, whereas females (aOR = 0.27) had significantly lower odds of probable pathological gambling compared to males. Conclusion Our study validated an Arabic-language version of the South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS) for use in Lebanon, and showed some factors associated with probable pathological gambling (male gender, alcohol use disorder and depression). This reliable and valid version will hopefully contribute towards better screening for gambling disorder in Lebanon.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


General Psychology,General Medicine

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