In vitro evaluation of antagonistic potentiality of Trichoderma harzianum against Diplodia spp. phytopathogenics fungi


Hlaiem SawssenORCID,Yangui Islem,Ezzine Olfa,Ben Jamâa Mohamed Lahbib


Abstract Background Trichoderma species are able to cause significant changes in the metabolism of host plants, by that means it trigger the plant growth and increasing plant defense to diverse fungal diseases. Trichoderma harzianum has been identified as potential biocontrol agent of many phytopathogenic fungi. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess in vitro antagonistic activity against three Diplodia isolates utilizing direct and remote confrontations methods. Results The results revealed that T. harzianum inhibited mycelial growth of the three phytopathogenic fungi compared to the untreated control. The percentage of growth inhibition of T. harzianum against Diplodia isolates ranged between 58 and 79% for direct confrontation and between 31 and 46% remote confrontation. Considerable antagonistic abilities of T. harzianum were exhibited against all tested Diplodia isolates. The results of both confrontations showed that the radial growth of the fungal pathogens was statistically significant (P < 0.001) and influenced by the antagonist on 6 days following incubation. Conclusion The findings may reveal a valuable knowledge that may be further used to find a suitable biological control contrariwise Botryosphaeria dieback caused by Diplodia species.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Insect Science,Plant Science,Agronomy and Crop Science,Ecology

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