The PIRATE mnemonic: providing a structured approach in the care for intoxicated patients at the emergency department


Kraaijvanger Nicole,Raven Wouter,van Dijken Trudy,Gresnigt Femke


Abstract Background Expertise in toxicology is essential for acute care providers, as intoxicated patients frequently present to Emergency Departments. These patients can be challenging for care providers because they often present with uncertain substance exposure and unknown dose and timing of these exposures. Methods The Dutch Society of Emergency Physicians has developed an mnemonic to support treating physicians in a structured approach for the management of (undifferentiated) intoxicated patients. Results The PIRATE mnemonic was developed, which includes the following aspects and sequence of care for the intoxicated patient: primary survey, investigation & identification, risk assessment, ADME (comprising pharmacokinetic therapeutic targets: absorption, distribution, metabolism, elimination), therapy and evaluation. Conclusion The toxicology section of the Dutch Society of Emergency Physicians developed the PIRATE mnemonic to provide a structured approach in the management of patients presenting with acute intoxications to Emergency Departments. It summarizes the essential steps and priorities required in the care of intoxicated patients. Further, it provides a common strategy for all specialties involved in the care of the acutely intoxicated patient, contributing to developing greater competence in poisoning management.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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