1. England PH: Laboratory confirmed cases of pertussis in England: annual report for 2019. In., vol. 14; 2020.
2. England PH: Pertussis brief for healthcare professionals. Identify, manage and test cases of pertussis. In.; 2018.
3. England PH: Pertussis: background information on prevention and management. Information for healthcare professionals on pertussis (whooping cough). In.; 2013.
4. Agency PH: Whooping cough (pertussis) immunisation for pregnant women - factsheet. In: Public Health Agency website. 2018.
5. Laboratory confirmed cases of pertussis in England: annual report for 2021 [https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/pertussis-laboratory-confirmed-cases-reported-in-england-2021/laboratory-confirmed-cases-of-pertussis-in-england-annual-report-for-2021#:~:text=Contents&text=In%20England%2C%20there%20were%2049,reported%20in%202020%20(figure%201)].