Studies indicate high rates of substance use among youth experiencing homelessness (YEH). Further, the social networks of YEH, although multi-dimensional in composition, are largely comprised of other YEH, substance users, and individuals who do not provide the youth with tangible or emotional support. For YEH who have the opportunity to enter a housing program, helping them to reduce their substance use and strengthen their prosocial supportive connections during this critical transition period may increase their stability and reduce their risk of re-entering homelessness. The goal of this study is to pilot test a brief motivational network intervention (MNI), delivered by case managers, to help former YEH who have recently transitioned to a housing program reduce their substance use and strengthen their prosocial supportive connections.
Up to 60 residents of housing programs in the Los Angeles area will be randomized to receive four sessions of usual case manager support or four sessions of case manager support + MNI. Each MNI session consists of three parts: (1) identifying two goals that are most important for the resident over the next year (e.g., get or keep a job, finish or stay in school, reduce substance use); (2) a network interview with the resident to capture network data pertaining to their interactions in the past 2 weeks; and (3) a discussion between the case manager and the resident of the resulting network visualizations, conducted in a Motivational Interviewing (MI) style, and what role the resident’s network may play in reaching their most important goals over the next year.
This study addresses a critical gap by pilot testing a computer-assisted MNI, delivered using MI techniques, that can help case managers work with recent YEH to reduce substance use and increase permanent supportive connections during the critical transitional period from homelessness to housing.
Trial registration ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT04637815. Registered November 10, 2020.
National Institute on Drug Abuse
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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