Achieving equity in the distribution of health services is one major goal in the health system. This study aimed to determine equality in distributing health human resources (physicians) in the Qazvin University of Medical Sciences before and after the Health Transformation Plan (HTP) based on the Hirschman-Herfindahl index (HHI).
In this descriptive-analytical study, the statistical population was general practitioners (GPs), specialists and subspecialists in the Qazvin University of Medical Sciences from 2011-to 2017. We extracted demographic statistics of the cities from the Statistical Center of Iran. Physicians’ statistics were obtained from the Curative Affairs Deputy at the Qazvin University of Medical Sciences. We assessed inequality using the HHI.
The highest number of GPs was in 2014, and specialists and subspecialists were in 2017. The lowest number of GPs, specialists, and subspecialists were in 2016, 2011 and 2015. The HHI for GPs in 2011–2017 was between 4300 and 5200. The lowest concentration for specialists before the HTP plan was the cardiologist with 3300, and after the HTP, the internal specialist with 3900. Also, the numerical value of this index for all subspecialty physicians after the HTP was 10,000, the highest level of concentration.
The values obtained from the HHI index indicate the high concentration and disproportionate and inequitable distribution of human resources in the health sector in this province. The number of specialists in some cities is still much less than acceptable, and some cities even have shortcomings in the critical specialists.
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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