This study is conducted by a subproject of the DFG research group "Medicine, Time and the Good Life" FOR 5022 (FOR TiMed_Life) and investigates the care preferences of individuals of advanced age and the care priorities of medical and nursing professionals in times of increasing medical options and more complex decision-making processes, especially for elderly patients. We assume that the preference for or rejection of medical treatment is shaped by individual and social age patterns and by the awareness of the finiteness of life. Just like older people themselves, professionals are also influenced by societal images of age(ing) and associated notions of age-appropriate health. These concepts are subject to constant change, which means that what was considered to be a 'normal' symptom of older age 100 years ago is now treated medically as a disease. The aim of the study is to identify the underlying perceptions of ageing and their influence on medical decisions.
By means of semi-structured focus group discussions and supplementary individual interviews with older people and medical and nursing professionals, the subproject investigates the perception of ageing processes and the resulting care preferences and priorities of these three groups. The evaluation of the interview material is carried out in two stages: First, the recorded group discussions are pre-structured using knowledge mapping. Based on the mapping results, the interview passages are selected, transcribed, and analysed in detail based on qualitative content analysis.
Because the nature of the research question is exploratory, qualitative methods provide a suitable approach. The mapping technique provides early initial results that are used by the other subprojects. Within the research group, the results of the interviews provide an empirical basis for ethical discourses on the influence of medicine on ideas of a good life, and in particular, on successful ageing.
Trial registration
German Clinical Trials Register: DRKS00027076, 05/11/2021.
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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