About Dirichlet boundary value problem for the heat equation in the infinite angular domain


he Jenaliyev Muvasharkhan,Amangaliyeva Meiramkul,Kosmakova Minzilya,Ramazanov Murat


Abstract In this paper it is established that in an infinite angular domain for Dirichlet problem of the heat conduction equation the unique (up to a constant factor) non-trivial solution exists, which does not belong to the class of summable functions with the found weight. It is shown that for the adjoint boundary value problem the unique (up to a constant factor) non-trivial solution exists, which belongs to the class of essentially bounded functions with the weight found in the work. It is proved that the operator of a boundary value problem of heat conductivity in an infinite angular domain in a class of growing functions is Noetherian with an index which is equal to minus one. MSC: 35D05, 35K20, 45D05.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Algebra and Number Theory,Analysis

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