Measuring the neglected anxiety disorder: validation of the social anxiety spectrum-short version (SHY-SV) questionnaire


Dell’Osso Liliana,Cremone Ivan Mirko,Nardi Benedetta,Amatori Giulia,Bonelli Chiara,Gravina Davide,Benedetti Francesca,Del Prete Luca,Massimetti Gabriele,Carpita Barbara


Abstract Background In the recent years, a growing body of literature stressed the importance of a dimensional perspective on mental disorders. In particular, since its conceptualization, one of the main concerns in the field of Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) has been the definition of a diagnostic threshold, leading to the suggestion that SAD may be more properly classified as a spectrum of severity rather than a discrete disorder based on subjectively determined threshold. The purpose of the current research is to evaluate the psychometric qualities of the Social Anxiety Spectrum - Short Version (SHY-SV), a novel questionnaire designed to measure the complete range of social anxiety symptoms, from overt manifestations to subthreshold ones. Methods 42 subjects with a clinical diagnosis of social anxiety disorder (SAD) according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), 43 subjects with a clinical diagnosis of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and 60 individuals without current or lifetime mental disorders (HC) were recruited from the Psychiatric Clinic of the University of Pisa. Subjects were assessed with the SCID-5, Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale (LSAS) and the SHY-SV. Results SHY-SV showed strong internal consistency, and both the total and domain scores had great test-retest reliability. The Pearson’s coefficients for the SHY-SV domain scores ranged from 0.391 to 0.933, and they were positively and significantly correlated with one another (p 0.001). All the SHY-SV domain scores were highly correlated with the SHY-SV total score. Results from of the correlation coefficients between SHY-SV and alternative measures of SAD were all significant and positive. Significant differences among diagnostic groups on both SAD-SV domains and total scores were found. SAD-SV total score increased significantly and progressively from HCs, to the OCD up to the SAD group which showed the highest values. Conclusion The SHY-SV demonstrated significant convergent validity with other dimensional SAD measures, great internal consistency, and test-retest reliability. With an increasing score gradient from healthy controls to patients with OCD to those with SAD, the questionnaire performed differently in each of the three diagnostic categories.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Psychiatry and Mental health

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