Factors associated with the attraction and retention of family and community medicine and nursing residents in rural settings: a qualitative study


Tort-Nasarre G.,Vidal-Alaball Josep,Pedrosa M. J. Fígols,Abanades L. Vazquez,Arcarons A. Forcada,Rosanas J. Deniel


Abstract Background The current shortage of primary care doctors and nurses is causing difficulties in replacement, and this shortage is expected to increase. This situation is more pronounced in rural environments than in urban ones. Family and community care specialty training is a key component of both the transition to clinical practice and the retention of new professionals. The aim of this study is to explore the attitudes and perceptions of internal medicine residents and internal nurse residents trained in a rural teaching unit on factors associated with recruitment and retention, including the role of the specialty training programme. Methods A qualitative study was conducted. Purposive sampling was used, and thirteen residents from the central Catalonia teaching unit who were in their final year of training participated in semistructured interviews. The data were collected during 2022 and were subsequently analysed with thematic analysis. The study is reported using the COREQ checklist. Results Six themes emerged from data related to perceptions and attitudes about the factors associated with recruitment and retention: training programme, characteristics of the family and community specialty, concept of rural life, family and relational factors, economic and resource factors, and recruitment and job opportunities. Conclusions Family and community medicine and nursing residents trained in rural settings expressed satisfaction with the specialty programme and most features of primary care, but they experienced a wide range of uncertainties in deciding on their professional future in terms of living in rural areas, family support, financial support and recruitment. This study identifies individual and structural factors that could be of great use to retain doctors and nurses in rural areas.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Education,General Medicine

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