Reproductive tract infection and health seeking behaviour: a cross sectional community based study


Gawande Kanchan B.,Srivastava Abhay S.,Kumar Purushottam


Background: Women in India have multitude of health problem, which ultimately affect the economic output. The health of Indian women is intrinsically linked to their status in society. There is significant gap in understanding the reproductive tract infections as well as consequence for women lives. The objective of the study was to study the prevalence of reproductive tract infections and sociodemographic factors responsible among ever married women.Methods: Community based cross sectional study was carried out in the rural area near Mumbai city. List of villages in the study area was obtained from primary health centre (PHC). The prevalence of reproductive tract infections among ever married women was 20.7%. At 95% confidence level and 5% allowable error sample size is 262 (n=4*p*q/l2). So the sample size required to document RTI was 265 ever married women.Results: Prevalence of reproductive tract infections was 143(53.96%). Most common morbidity found was vaginal discharge 59 (22.26%). There was a significant difference between the proportions of study subjects with reproductive tract infection with respect to their educational status & occupation.Conclusions: There was high prevalence of reproductive tract infection among study subjects with only 13.74% visited a qualified medical practitioner for their complaints. 


Medip Academy


General Medicine







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