Benign vulvar masses are uncommon condition of the lower genital tract. To date, there is no recognized classification for benign tumors. Most of the vulvar tumors show no symptoms, unless large enough to be noted on self-examination. Presented are 3 cases of large vulvar masses. The first case is a Bartholin’s gland cyst in 56 years old, G5P4 (4014) with a 5-year history of gradually enlarging mass characterized as fleshy, approximately 16x14x12 cm, soft, non-tender located in the medial portion of the left labia majora. Grossly, the specimen consists of a unilocular cyst filled with serous fluid and had a smooth glistening inner capsule wall. The second case is a cellular angiofibroma in 61 years old, G0, who developed a fleshy mass, approximately 13x18x15 cm, soft, non-tender, attached to the left labia majora via a pedicle, which developed for 10 years. The specimen is described as an irregular mass with well circumscribed nodules with soft to rubbery, flesh cut surface. The third case is lipoblastoma-like tumor of the vulva in 31 years old, G2P2 (2002), who had a fleshy hypopigmented mass, approximately 15x12x10 cm, pendulous, soft, smooth, non-tender in the right inferolateral labia majora, which grew for 8 years. The specimen is characterized as an irregular mass partially overlain by skin with cut sections showing cream fatty lobulated surfaces. Benign vulvar masses may present similarly to one another hence careful and detailed assessment should be done. Histologic evaluation is critical in establishing an accurate diagnosis due to the fact that multiple diagnoses may have similar gross characteristics. Management is based on type and size of mass and symptomatology of patient.
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