Yunus Sarah,Rasheed Sadaf,Amanullah Amir,Aman Shehla,Ullah Usman,Wazir Fida Ullah
Background: Infertility is a social problem and a big stigma. The objectives of the study were to determine the age wise distribution of ovarian volume and the difference in ovarian volume between married fertile and infertile women with transvaginal sonography. Materials & Methods: This comparative, cross-sectional study was conducted in the Department of Anatomy, Gomal Medical College, D.I.Khan, Pakistan from March 2013 to December 2013. Sample Size was 100 women selected by consecutive non probability sampling technique. Sample size was calculated using online calculator Raosoft. Inclusion criteria were women aged 18-50 years, married, fertile and infertile. Color Doppler sonoscape with multi frequency transvaginal probes were used in measurements on any day in the start of menstrual cycle by the same observer. The volume was calculated by applying formula for ellipsoid called Prolate ellipsoid formula. The total volume was represented by sum of volume of two ovaries. Data collection site was out patient department of Radiology DHQ Teaching Hospital, D.I.Khan. Demographic variable were age groups and presence of fertility. Research variable was ovarian volume. Mean and standard deviation were calculated for ovarian volume whereas frequency and percentages were calculated for age groups and presence of fertility. Descriptive statistics along with estimation of parameter was done at 95% confidence interval for proportion and mean. Student- t test was used for significance of difference in ovarian volume between fertile and infertile women with p value
Gomal Journal of Medical Sciences