The Use of Nursing Theory and Model in Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing Doctoral Theses: Turkiye Sample


Öztürk Turgut Emel1ORCID




Aim: The aim of this study is to identify nursing models used in doctoral theses in psychiatric and mental health nursing. Material and Methods: In this descriptive-type retrospective document analysis study, theses in mental health and psychiatric nursing departments of health sciences institutes were reviewed at the National Thesis Center of the Council of Higher Education on from September to October 2023. The study was completed with 14 doctoral theses. Word and Excel programs were used to record and analyze data. Results: The Roy Adaptation Model and then the Neuman Systems Model were mostly used in doctoral theses. It was determined that four theses were randomized controlled, and six theses were done within the scope of community mental health nursing when the sample group was examined. Conclusions: The Roy Adaptation Model has positive effects on issues such as emotional expression, self-esteem, and treatment areas. As a sample group, there was a tendency towards preventive mental health services. Experimental designs with control groups were used in doctoral theses, and four theses were determined to be randomized controlled.


Hacettepe University

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