The importance of saving energy and materials by lightening structures is constantly increasing. With its powerful software capabilities, Topology Optimization produces solutions for this exact purpose. In addition, thanks to Topology Optimization, more innovative and competitive structures can be produced. The development of additive manufacturing methods has also increased interest in Topology Optimization. In Topology Optimization, volumetric elements that do not carry any load or carry little load are removed from the structure. Thus, lighter, but sufficiently durable structures can be obtained. In this study, the topology optimization of a bracket used as a fastener in a jet engine was carried out using ABAQUS Finite Element software. Required bracket geometry, load conditions, and material information were obtained from an online design competition announced by General Electric. Ti6Al4V alloy was used as the bracket material. At the beginning of the study, static analysis was performed on the original bracket model to obtain the load paths required for topology optimization. As a result of the static analysis, the load paths within the jet engine bracket were determined and topology optimization was applied to the bracket to minimize the mass without reducing the rigidity. As a result of the analysis studies, it has been proven that nearly 80% material savings can be achieved from the bracket thanks to topology optimization.
Gumushane University Journal of Science and Technology Institute
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