Դալմայի հնձանի 2023 թ. պեղումների արդյունքները / THE RESULTS OF THE EXCAVATIONS IN THE DALMA WINEPRESS IN 2023




Dalma Gardens are located in the area of Kentron, Ajapnyak, Malatia-Sebastia administrative districts of Yerevan, RA, on the right bank of the Hrazdan River, in front of Aygedzor quarter, in the enclosed area between Kilikia district, Leningradyan street, Monte Melkonyan highway, Isakov avenue, and Malatia private houses, about 950 m above sea level. Dalma was the largest and oldest among the 700 famous orchards of Yerevan in the 80s and 90s of the 19th century. It used to occupy a large territory. Beginning with the hill of Tcitcernakaberd, it extended to Zvartnots. In the 19th century, the garden occupied 790 hectares, of which 533 hectares were the territory of the park itself. Currently, it occupies an area of 204.01 ha. In the gardens of Dalma, the "Scientific research centre of historical and cultural heritage" carried out excavations according to the contract concluded with the private company "Adamium". After excavating several exploratory wells in the area of the construction site, the works were concentrated in one of the 19th century winepresses (N 40010'42', E 44028'56'), where, according to the initial agreement, restoration works were planned.


"Scientific Research Center of the Historical and Cultural Heritage" SN-CO

Reference17 articles.

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