The Degree of Capillary Absorption Reduction as a Parameter to Classify the Effectiveness of Secondary Horizontal Waterproofing


Monczyński BartłomiejORCID


The dampness of the ground floors in buildings is generally a consequence of capillary rise of groundwater caused by the absence, damage or technical deterioration of the horizontal waterproofing of the masonry. Capillary absorption and damp transport are determined by the wetting properties of water relative to the material, as well as the structure and distribution of pores in the material. Chemical (injection) methods of secondary horizontal waterproofing are based on the technology of introducing injection liquid into the masonry section, which forms a lock which relies on the mechanism of capillary lumen constriction, hydrophilization, capillary sealing or a combined effect. A vital outcome of secondary horizontal waterproofing in a wall using the injection method is not only limited absorption but also its changed dynamics. The research paper describes the procedure leading to determining a criterion that allows to classify injection agents in terms of their impact on inhibiting capillary transport of damp in construction partitions.


University of Zielona Góra, Poland

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