
Tepliuk A.1ORCID


1. Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University


In this article the author presented the program of development of arbitrary behavior of preschool children by optimizing their emotional experiences and parent-child relationships. The components of the program is methodological, practical, diagnostic blocks. By methodological unit is objective, methodical approaches, principles and objectives. Practical unit describes the contents, forms, methods and techniques of application of arbitrary behavior of children under school age. The diagnostic block contains the procedure, content, methods and techniques for measuring the results of this program. The main objective of this program was to: review the parents of minimum required knowledge of emotional distress, arbitrary behavior of preschool children and their conditions of system parent-child interaction; familiarize parents with effective methods of arbitrary behavior of preschoolers; intensification of the educational potential of family by including both parents in the upbringing of their own children; implementation in practice of family education together - father and mother - appropriate approaches to education, independent, emotionally happy child. A complex subject classes the designated program. Subjects consisted of 17 complex, developmental classes with elements of training for parents. Complete correction classes and personal development preschooler constructed on the basis of unity of mental and emotional (affective and cognitive), internal and external components of the mental development of children.


Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

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