The Case-Method as a Tool for Enhancing Effectiveness Of Communication in Multicultural Settings (with Studying Business Foreign Language Taken as an Example)


Medynska SvitlanaORCID


The article covers the issue of using the case method as a type of interactive technology and the conditions for its successful application aimed at enhancing effectiveness of communication in multicultural settings of students of non-language majors with business degree specializations while studying business English. The potential of the case method as a technology correlating with the components of the communication competence in multicultural settings in the context of studying business English is analyzed. The concepts related to the communicative and intercultural approaches as well as barriers to communication and information diversity have been researched taking into consideration the view on English as a business lingua franca (BELF). This approach is used to determine the favourable conditions for the application of the case method in this context with the emphasis on transforming from a traditional teacher to a learning facilitator. The types of case, as well as the stages of case-based learning have been studied to determine the effective framework of case-based learning in Business English classes. It has been noted that some of the frameworks lack the so-called interactive warmup stage which can ensure a gradual immersion of students in the case topic. Thus, it is argued that this stage is a crucial component aimed at enhancing the students’ cognitive interest and developing their anticipatory and critical thinking. At this particular stage, students try to anticipate the key problematic aspects in general by answering questions related to the subject of the case, and the tier of multicultural settings can be naturally added here to match the international background of most cases. It has also been found out that there are certain features typical of case studies in Business English courses of British publishing houses, thus their benefits and downsides have been analyzed. As a result, the ways of increasing the effectiveness of case studies in Business English classes in the context of enhancing effectiveness of communication in multicultural settings have been suggested. A number of online resources with the case studies in the key business areas and international communication have been researched. It has also been stated that, given a different skillset and a competence portfolio, an English teacher will be more successful in adapting a case study to match the intended learning outcomes which the students are supposed to gain while studying Business English rather than in developing their own case study related to the business areas. It has been concluded that in case-based learning in Business English classes, students develop not only their speaking skills and intercultural ones, but they also improve such soft skills as cooperation, creativity, problem solving, anticipatory and critical thinking, teamwork, interpersonal skills and leadership, which are important for enhancing effectiveness of communication in multicultural settings.


Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University


General Medicine

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