Philosophical and Methodological Providence of Music Teacher Training Based on Interpretive Culture




1. National Pedagogical Dragomanov University


Philosophy as a methodology and theory of cognition plays a decisive role in scientific research. The research of philosophical and methodological providence of music teacher training in the article is relevant and original and has a theoretical nature. A review of literature sources showed that the research of philosophical and methodological providence of music teacher training on the ground of interpretive culture was not conducted. To solve this problem, the following tasks were set: to develop a block diagram of the methodology of research of the scientific problem of music teachers training; to find out the interpenetration of such concepts as «interpretation», «culture», «interpretive culture»; to analyse the categorical apparatus of scientific research. The scientific research began with a monographic method, which allowed diving deep into the problem of music teacher training on the ground of interpretive culture. A system-structural approach was used to develop a structural scheme of the research methodology of this problem. Systematisation of the categorical apparatus allowed to make a categorical matrix of this scientific problem. The method of generalisation allowed to form a system of scientific approaches to the interpretation of the concept of «interpretive culture of a music teacher». The scheme of methodology of the problem developed by the author contains: subject area, scientific approaches, and components of methodology. The subject area in this development is the theory and practice of modern music and pedagogical training, analysis of the state of methodological providence in higher education institutions and providing quality training. The categorical matrix demonstrates the understanding of the theory and practice of interpretive activity, as well as harmonizes the logical and meaningful reflection of the object and subject of the research. Addressing the spiritual-value context is methodologically important, as it gives an idea of the spiritual environment of music and deepens the understanding of music, forcing to realise, differentiate and then synthesise ideological and semantic moments into a concrete integrity.


Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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