
Shpak Viktor1


1. Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University


The publishing industry of the world’s developed countries is not only an important component of ideo- logical, political, and cultural influence on society but also a significant part of filling the state treasury. The purpose of the proposed article is a retrospective analysis of the global book publishing industry and its development in accordance with various statistical accounting systems against the background of Ukrainian realities. The main tasks of the research were to show the current state of the book publishing industry of Ukraine, to analyze the modern systems of the world statistical accounting of books and, in accordance with them, the generalized results of activity over the past five years. The methodological basis was the source analysis, based on a complex of general scientific and special methods and approaches. To analyze the results of the publishing activity of different countries, mathematical statistics and analogy, in combination with deductive and inductive methods of scientific knowledge, were used. The article’s scientific novelty is the search for the optimal form of organization of statistical accounting of publishing products, which would allow analyzing the industry’s real state, its achievements, and gaps. The conducted research determines that currently there is no complete statistical database of the results of the global publishing industry. The existing accounting system of publishing products in Ukraine does not meet the set tasks and can only serve as a tangential, clarifying or checking element. The most optimal organization of information collection is based on the number of books sold and the income received. This practice has already been developed in certain countries, particularly in ten countries cared for by the Nielsen BookScan company, which collects information directly at the points of sale. It was also concluded that the publishing industries of post-socialist countries are significantly behind their counterparts in the countries of the developed world. The processes that take place in the modern publishing field are fast-moving and require the constant attention of sci- entists.


Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University

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