1. National Aviation University
The article is devoted to the optimization of the structures and traffic development for information transmission in secured corporate networks by quantitative factor. Optimization is carried out in the local task of calculating rational amounts of information. To this end, a mathematical formulation of a local problem is formulated. Which is to optimize the resources of the information system by quantitative criteria. The task is solved by calculating rational amounts of information and entering them in the description of information system resources. It is necessary to evaluate the quality of networks that are being designed based on multicriteria optimization. This is due to the increase in volume and the variety of tasks being promoted to secured corporate networks. This optimization should take into account the full range of recent developments in the field of systematic approach, modern scalarisation principles, decomposition and aggregation techniques, graph theory, optimization algorithms, hierarchical synthesis structuring methods with consistent decision making. The task begins with the construction of information structures, which are linked oriented graphs. The vertices of the graphs are macro-level interaction tasks that carry out information exchange between local area network elements and local area networks, while arcs are information influences or messages. The structures for the micro level are accordingly constructed. Macro-level and micro-level interaction tasks are divided into three types: source resources; transit resources; user resources. The optimization of structures by quantitative factor is carried out in the local task of calculating rational amounts of information. The amount of information means the number of elementary characters. It should be noted that these are volumes of information that consist of basic rather than synthetic indicators. A reasonable amount of information must comply with the completeness of the information which are put forward by consumers task. If the amount of information is less than required, then the network element, the consumer, or the entire network will experience a lack of information. If the required volume is exceeded, there is an unproductive cost of generating, processing and transmitting information or the results of the tasks, as well as threats to the availability of the system. In the global case, the problem is much more complicated because part of the information flow can be an information destructive influence or a threat of breach of information security criteria.
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University