1. National Aviation University
2. State Scientific and Research Institute of Cybersecurity Technologies and Information Protection
3. Central Ukrainian National Technical University
4. D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan Technical University
Global trends in the number and complexity of cyber-attacks have led to the information and telecommunications systems (ITS) protection, in particular, industry, which are critical to society, socio-economic development and information component of national security. Given the needs of national security and the need to introduce a systematic approach to solving the problem of critical infrastructure protection, at the national level, creating a system of protection of such infrastructure is one of the priorities in reforming the defense and security sector of Ukraine. Thus, there is a need to develop methods and models for classifying ITS as a critical infrastructure to ensure Ukraine's national security. The paper studies the model of calculating the quantitative criterion for assessing the security of ITS based on the method of hierarchy analysis, which allowed the processing of expert assessments to obtain a quantitative indicator of ITS security. This made it possible to simplify the procedure for selecting experts, to avoid the specifics of processing expert data, as well as to assess ITS in a limited amount of statistics. The developed model allows to move from qualitative assessment in the form of an ordered series of alphanumeric combinations denoting the levels of implemented services, to quantitative assessment in the form of the ratio of functional security profiles. In addition, specialized software has been developed that implements the studied model, which allowed to conduct experimental research and verification of this model on the example of ITS of the National Confidential Communications System. In further research, the authors plan to investigate the model for calculating the quantitative criterion for assessing the security of ITS in other areas of critical infrastructure (energy, transport etc.).
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
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