1. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Social interaction of subjects in the modern world, in addition to positive forms, also has negative ones. One of such forms is information confrontation, the conceptual basis of which is to spread in the information space of the enemy unreliable information to influence the assessments, intentions, and orientation of the population and decision-makers. In this case, information becomes a more important resource than material or energy resources.
The analysis of laws and properties of existence and distribution of information in the conditions of information confrontation is carried out. Based on the analysis of the above laws and studying the properties of information, the main features of the perception of information by the subjects are formulated. These are selectivity, attitude to certain information, authority (reputation), imaginary secrecy of receiving information. It is shown that on the basis of the formulated features of perception of information of subjects it is possible to create visibility of reliability of the information, and then no force will convince that it is specially made for the purpose of incorrect estimation, the negative orientation of the population and decision-makers.
The main advantage of the proposed algorithm is that the parameters of information evaluation are used as a measure of the probability of propagation of inaccurate information. The degree of probability of dissemination of unreliable information is determined for each law of existence of information separately. The general estimation of the probability of distribution of unreliable information consists of the production of values of measures of each law in the person. Depending on the preference of a particular law for a particular type of information, the value of the measure will vary. That is, the proposed algorithm, in contrast to existing methods of evaluating information, additionally takes into account the type and class of information.
The direction of further research: development of a scale of measures to assess the probability of spreading inaccurate information. Using as coefficients of the model the parameters of the developed scale of measures to assess the probability of propagation of inaccurate information. Creation of a mathematical model of distribution of unreliable information in the conditions of information confrontation.
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
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