This article discusses the problems of information security in "SmartCity" systems. The comparison of existing solutions and data protocols for wired solutions, such as IPsec, SSL, TLS and wireless systems: ZigBee, Z-Wave, Thread, WeMo. The advantages and disadvantages of each of the existing systems are analyzed. The SmartCity system must be able to recognize a specific situation that arises in the house, city, workplace, when processing large amounts of data, to respond accordingly: one of the systems can control the behavior of other systems using a pre-designed algorithm. The main purpose of the "SmartCity" system is to save energy, which is becoming increasingly important due to their rise in price in Ukraine. Therefore, intellectualization is becoming increasingly popular, catching up with global trends in home automation. However, despite the development and gradual formal and informal standardization of smart city technologies, and any home automation, there is still the problem of choosing protocols for the transfer of information between controlled devices, sensors and other elements. This problem is especially serious when it is necessary to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of data circulating in the system. The purpose of this study is to find a secure network protocol that allows you to use it in automatic signaling equipment, so you can not use special software and hardware solutions to affect the confidentiality and integrity of information.In the article is not the last issue of information security such a house of the city government system or production, can cause very great damage to its owner. As remote management and access to information are quite common nowadays, secure schemes, encryption and protection schemes should be used to reduce the percentage of vulnerabilities and prevent intruders from causing harm.
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
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