In the context of the development of the world educational sphere, taking into account modern trends and challenges, in the context of the transformation of social services into digital forms, the actual research is the search for ideas, concepts, startups, pilot projects and features of the introduction of blockchain technology in education. The first Bitcoin blockchain was designed as an extremely secure and reliable information network for the financial sector, where the storage and transfer of value assets is the main functionality. In the field of education and educational processes, the issue of information security is most acute, since it is a question of reliable storage of activities of teachers and students. This issue is successfully solved by blockchain technology. The target of the work is to research engineering blockchain solutions published in academic cited publications. In order to achieve the target of the work, the most cited scientific publications over the past 5 years were collected and analyzed. The works in which conceptual and practical blockchain solutions aimed at improving efficiency, reliability and security in the operation of learning management systems (LMS) are highlighted. A new type of such blockchain systems in scientific papers is called blockchain learning management systems (BLMS). The research of some of the most well-known blockchain systems is divided into five of the following groups: certification of learning results; accreditation of educational programs; security of learning management systems; learning and educational projects; management of learning results and rewards. The publications reflect a number of resolved issues regarding course certification, digital degree graduation, e-portfolios, and reputational rewards. Many issues remain unresolved, in particular, the cost and complexity of blockchain technology, the irreversibility of actions in the blockchain, the lack of mass perception and a comfortable interface for users.
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
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