1. Lviv Polytechnic National University
With the rise of cyber threats in the era of digital transformation, protecting information systems becomes crucial for ensuring data reliability and security. This is especially true for authentication and logging systems, which are key elements in identifying and countering unauthorized access. The use of identical credentials and traditional authentication methods opens up wide opportunities for cybercriminals. This article explores the use of blockchain technology as a means to combat cyber threats through the implementation of immutable, decentralized logging and authentication systems. Blockchain offers unique advantages, such as data immutability and distributed storage, which can significantly complicate unauthorized interference in security systems. Current trends in the field of cybersecurity are examined, particularly the challenges associated with data compromise and ineffective information exchange between systems. An important part of the article is the analysis of recent research focused on the capabilities of blockchain in the development of identification and authentication systems based on decentralized identifiers and the integration of consensus technologies. The main goal of the research is to identify and develop technological solutions aimed at enhancing the security, resilience, and efficiency of logging and authentication systems through the application of blockchain. Additionally, innovative approaches to identification and authentication that can strengthen protection against cyber threats are considered.
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University