1. Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
Improving the quality of education in preschool education institution is a socially significant problem of nowadays, which faces pedagogical science and practice. Today, pedagogical education is a means of self-development andself-realization, whichchangesthegoalsofeducation, itsmotives, forms, methods, andtheroleofthepreschool teacher. And the purpose of pedagogical education is high-quality training of highly qualified and competitive pedagogical staff for the entire field of education, able to masterfully carry out professional activities and be able to use modern information technologies. One of the tasks of modern pedagogical education is the formation of a person with an innovative type of thinking, pedagogical culture, and developed readiness for innovative activities, professional in his field. Only the active life position of a preschool teacher, improving his professional skills will help him ensure one of the most important rights of students — the right to quality education. There are many facts that affect the quality of pedagogical education: material and technical support of the educational process, information and methodological, financial, etc., but the most important thing is the staffing of teachers in the educational process, who have professional competencies, information technology and apply them in the educational process of the preschool education institutions. The article analyzes the problem of motivation of professional development of preschool teachers as a condition for improving the quality of preschool education in the context of European integration. The concepts of «postgraduate education», «continuing preschool education», and«pedagogicalexcellence» are defined. The article substantiates the need of a comprehensive study of the experience of professional training of preschool teachers in the UK and its use to create an effective system of pedagogical education in Ukraine, also presents the features of the model of pedagogical education in the UK.
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
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