1. Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
The article analyzes the problem of educational partnerships in higher education. The educational partnership is regarded as: a social phenomenon characterized by the objectively existing linkages between pedagogical workers of heis and education providers with the world and with each other; psychological phenomenon — a process of understanding, empathy, complicity; pedagogical phenomenon — socially meaningful, purposeful, specially organized process whereby participants of the interaction undergo positive transformations. The author determines that the educational partnership in the institution of higher education is a systemic phenomenon, which reproduces the characteristics of social and educational systems, based on the experience of social, socio-psychological, interpersonal interaction and the corresponding mechanisms of socialization, integration, identification and external economic, political, rulemaking, organizational, technological, informational, developmental, regulatory, protective, protective. The concept of “educational partnership at the university” is defined as a holistic open system, which is characterized by external and internal multifunctional connections and includes subjective, meaningful, organizational, and effective components. The basic principles of educational partnership in higher education (humanization and transparency; socioculturalis; acceptability of traditions and innovations; systemic and comprehensive; competence and science; optimism and long-term; variability and mobility; tolerance and coherence; technology and efficiency).The author emphasizes that the partnership activities of universities in network interactions are conditioned by integration processes in higher education, which determine its orientation and types. The directions of educational partnership in a modern university are identified, as well as their types in the areas of: introversion direction (corporate partnership; pedagogical partnership, scientific and methodological partnership) and extraversion direction (scientific partnership; informal partnership; education and business partnership; social partnership; sociocultural partnership, information partnership) coordinated by the mechanisms of socialization, integration, identification, and aimed at professional and personal self distribution, intellectual and moral development and further professional self-realization of applicants for higher education
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
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Cited by
1 articles.
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