1. Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
The article examines the essence of the concept of "spatial orientation" and its components; features of the formation of spatial orientations in young children. The results of research on the preparation of educators for the formation of elementary mathematical concepts of early and preschool children in the educational process of a preschool education institution have been analyzed. It was noted that the modern system of preschool education needs a highly qualified teacher capable of effectively shaping the spatial orientation of young children in the educational process of a preschool education institution, taking into account the extreme importance of spatial concepts for the development of a child. The basis of the theoretical and philosophical foundations of the professional training of the future teacher for the formation of spatial ideas of early and preschool children is defined, the content of the teacher's training for the formation of spatial orientations of young children is outlined, which involves students' assimilation of the characteristics of the «space» category, knowledge of the psychophysiological characteristics of the development of young children; assimilation of psychological features of the formation of spatial orientations by young children; mastering the psychological, pedagogical and methodical tools for the formation of spatial orientations of young children in various activities.
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University
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