In this article, based on system analysis, classification and systematization methods, we offer classification of technologies of managing educational institutions on the basis of five groups of functional processes, inherent to every organization, such as: production; marketing; finance; human resources (HR) management; accounting and analysis of business activities. It is noted that classification of technologies of managing the educational institutions should take into account the current state, conditions and processes occurring in external environment and affect the functioning of the internal environment of the educational institution. Every technology of managing the educational institution included into classification, has been characterized: functional processes of production and their management (strategic planning, scenario planning, balanced scorecard of D. Norton and R. Kaplan (BSC), process oriented management, outsourcing, business engineering/ engineering, reengineering); marketing management (educational marketing, market segmentation, client relationships management system (CRM), brand-strategy, «public relations» technologies, benchmarking); financial management (budgeting, benchmarking, financial control, balanced scorecard of D. Norton and R. Kaplan (BSC), fund rising); human resource (HR) management (knowledge management, couching); management of accounting and analysis of business activities (budgeting, key competences); it also takes into account technologies for management of inter-organizational processes that permeate all groups of technologies listed in the classification, such as innovative, informational and SMART-technologies.
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
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