
Sysoieva Svitlana1ORCID


1. National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine


The article explores the key provisions of the longstanding experience of the Republic of Poland regarding the development of pedagogy of borderlands, addressing educational issues of children and youth in these regions, and affirming the national identity of citizens in border areas. It is shown that in the Republic of Poland, in recent years, the pedagogy of borderlands has been developing as a component of intercultural pedagogy. The precondition for the development of pedagogy of borderlands in the Republic of Poland has been the expansion of research on issues of multicultural and intercultural education, significant attention to culturological issues of teaching and upbringing. A comparison of pedagogical research dedicated to the examination of culturological issues in education, conducted by Ukrainian and Polish scholars, demonstrates that in Poland, researchers distinguish between the content of concepts of multicultural and intercultural education. It is emphasized that while paying significant attention to the development of intercultural education, Polish researchers underline the necessity of preserving and developing national self-awareness, as participation in the multicultural world requires a strong and conscious sense of one's own identity. Borderlands are considered by Polish scholars not only as a certain space but also as a state of consciousness. In the pedagogical context, the basic concept of pedagogy of borderlands is the person living on the borderlands, their status, personal traits, and mode of social functioning. Studying individuals living on the borderlands has not only cognitive and diagnostic dimensions but also educational ones. Understanding the person living on the borderlands, their interests and needs, their multidimensional identity, enables the creation of optimal educational conditions aimed at supporting the individual development of young personalities, forming the most necessary social correlations, taking into account and utilizing the specific opportunities that exist in the diverse ethnic and cultural space encompassing territories within one's own country and beyond the border.


Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University

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