Treemap as a type of data visualization in the media


Lichenko Anna1ORCID


1. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


The relevance of the study was determined by a tendency to diversify the graphic forms of data presentation, with new complex data visualizations being used more and more often alongside the usual sector or column charts in journalistic articles. In this regard, issues related to the study of the functional and perceptual characteristics of various types of diagrams are becoming actualized in the theoretical plane of social communications. The article outlines the specifics of displaying hierarchical structures using treemaps (tree maps, hierarchical maps) taking into account the features of media content. The purpose of the research is to identify and characterize the peculiarities of treemaps as a type of visual representation of hierarchical data in online media publications. The primary research method was quantitative content analysis. Selective statistical observation was used to collect empirical data. The study sample is 85 treemaps published in The New York Times, The Washington Post, Visual Capitalist, VC Elements, BBC, Financial Times, and The Wall Street Journal during 2018–2022. Historical and comparative-descriptive methods were additional research methods. The article examines four types of treemaps: Rectangular Treemap, Circular Treemap, Voronoi Treemap, and Sunburst. We found out that rectangular treemaps are most often used in the media because they are compact and effectively demonstrate the parts of a whole. Voronoi treemaps are also often used. The article also outlines the thematic spectrum of treemaps in the media. Quantitative analysis showed that treemaps are used in media to highlight financial, economic, industrial, and energy-related topics, much fewer visualizations of this type are related to politics, society, and ecology. In addition, the functional advantages and disadvantages of treemaps are summarized, and a list of basic visualization principles is formed, the observance of which will contribute to increasing the effectiveness of communication and simplifying the process of interpreting a visual message by the recipient.


Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University


General Medicine

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