The paper presents an analysis of the accuracy of determination of parameters of the position of aircraft using data from the AVIA-W radar. In the first place, the authors determined the position of the aircraft as well as the range and azimuth parameters by the AVIA-W radar, located in Dęblin. This was followed by a determination of the absolute position error of the aircraft and the determination of the range and azimuth measurement error by the AVIA-W radar. The research test was carried out using a Diamond DA40 NG aircraft on which a GPS satellite receiver was mounted in order to determine the flight reference position. In addition, the range and azimuth measurements for the aircraft were acquired from the AVIA-W radar. Navigational calculations were conducted for polar and rectangular planar coordinates. Based on the performed research, the azimuth error was found to be –1.4o, while the radar range measurement error was equal to –0.04 km. The conducted research is experimental in its character. In the future it will be repeated and extended to the GCA-2000 radar, which is also located at Dęblin military airfield.
Polish Air Force University
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