1. Fazlur Rahman. İslam, Second Edition, University of Chigago Press: Chigago and London, 2002.
2. Fazlur Rahman. İslam, Second Edition, University of Chigago Press: Chigago and London, 2002.
3. Fiala A. (February 2006). The Vanity of Temporal Things: Hegel and the ethics of war, Studies in The History of Ethics.
4. Fiala A. (February 2006). The Vanity of Temporal Things: Hegel and the ethics of war, Studies in The History of Ethics.
5. Fichte, J. G. Die Anweisung zum seligen Leben, oder auch die Religionslehre, Johann Gottlieb Fichtes sämmtliche Werke. Band 5, Berlin: Verlag von L. Heimann, 1845/1846.