
Fomina NataliaORCID,Chernyavsky GrigoryORCID,Melnikova JuliaORCID,Aleshina OlgaORCID


The purpose of the study is to assess the health status of the 1st – 4th year students in the Department of Drama using the G. Apanasenko method. The somatic health condition determines the incidence of diseases, the performance of students, and their future vocational opportunities. Monitoring the condition of students is an important component of the physical education system implemented at the universities of theater studies in the framework of "Physical education" and "Stage movement" disciplines. Methods and organization of research. The paper presents the results of the survey (September 2020) covering 43 students aged 17-21 years (25 boys and 18 girls) using the G. Apanasenko express method of assessing health condition. The authors measured main vital signs (body length and weight, heart rate, blood pressure, VC, EPOC, post-exercise recovery period) and obtained overall assessment of health condition of each student and its individual indices (mass, vital, strength, Robinson). Research results and their discussion. The research revealed that 53.5% of students have average level of health indicator. However, only 51.2% of indicators fall within the zone of healthy values, while the remaining 48.8% stay below the safe limit. The indicators of 61.1% of girls are in the safe zone, while only 44% of boys fall within this segment. There is a decrease in health indicators of students by the 4th year of study, which is the result of a decrease in their sport activities due to the lack of "Physical education" and "Stage movement" special disciplines. Analysis of the calculated indices highlighted the challenging components of the overall health assessment. Power index provided the lowest indicators. Girls have higher indicator values than boys, as well as the life index indicators. Conclusion. The revealed facts contribute to determination of the direction of further research aimed at the refinement of educational programs on physical education and stage movement.


Volga Region Academy of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism

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1. Physical health level and osteopathic status of students;Russian Osteopathic Journal;2023-06-26







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