
Manzheley IrinaORCID,Chayun DanilORCID


Relevance. The essential changes occurring in the modern world after a long home confinement have contributed to the public awareness of the importance of physical activity and communication for "preserving a person as a biosocial structure" (V.S. Stepin). In this context, the implementation of the federal project "Sport is the Way of Life" acquired new meanings related to the upbringing of the younger generation in Russia. The information society imposes the requirements of predictability and forward-looking development on additional education as a socio-genetic institution, in order to prepare a person for the future. The purpose of the research is to study the social and psychological characteristics of subjects and the educational potential of the sports environment of educational organizations implementing sports training programs in biathlon and cross-country skiing in the Tyumen region. The results and scientific novelty of the research. This paper aims to show new data on the social and psychological difficulties and significant qualities of a child coach and an adolescent athlete, taking into account four subjects (а manager, а coach, a parent, and an adolescent-athlete), the attitude towards doping, and the quality of sports services. It will contribute to the formation of regional and federal information bank of data on social and psychological determinants of the youth sports development. We defined the critical points, support positions and growth points for the educational potential of sports environment in educational organizations implementing sports training programs in biathlon and cross-country skiing in the Tyumen region.


Volga Region Academy of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism

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