Resilience to hypoxia of students aged 18-22 studying different programs at various universities


Semizorov EvgeniORCID,Prokopev NikolaiORCID,Gubin DenisORCID,Solovyeva Svetlana


Purpose: to study body resilience to hypoxia of students from different regions enrolled to the specialized universities of Tiumen, with the use of Stange and Genchi tests. Research methods and organization. The study involved 105 students enrolled to three specialized universities in Tiumen, who used to live in urban areas (UA) and rural areas (RA). We studied the parameters of respiratory function by means of Stange and Genchi tests. Results and discussion. The study revealed that young men from rural areas demonstrate higher timed inspiratory capacity according to the results of Stange test than young men from urban areas do. Timed inspiratory and expiratory capacity varied depending on the age of young people, with the maximum peak occurring at the age of 18 and 19 years. Breath-holding capacity decreased when young men reached the first mature age. Conclusion. According to Stange test, students from rural areas demonstrate higher timed inspiratory capacity and volitional effort than the students from urban areas do. It characterizes a high level of non-specific adaptive capacity of their bodies. Physical education requires wide exploitation of a simple, accessible and informative indicator of timed inspiratory and expiratory capacity for objective assessment of respiratory function. We should take into consideration that breath-holding capacity decreases with advancing age.


Volga Region Academy of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism

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