It is widely acknowledged that quality education as one of the strong and powerful sources that guarantee sustainable development, it has a wide range of formal and informal educational applications, and which can provide numerous positive effects for the broader population. Because of its significance, this article presents a role of teachers to ensure quality education for equitable learning. As we all know Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 that attempts to “Ensure inclusive and quality education for all and promote lifelong learning” as one of the primary objectives of the 2030 Agenda. Education is the ultimate domain of the Humans; it is a process designed to socialize and humanizing citizens throughout their lives from conception to dying off. It is institutionalized and formal for a set amount of time, yet it is ongoing and practiced outside the boundaries of the institution. Education is a journey of enlightenment and personal empowerment of the individuals for improved quality of life. The Education commission (1964-66) has firmly said that “The quality and competence and character of teachers to be the most significant factor influencing the quality of education and its contribution to National development”. Teachers have a crucial role in directing and shaping how students use digital tools and maximize the educational advantages of their digital experiences. They also promote inclusive, equitable education and diversity acceptance as a positive aspect of our cultures. The current paper only uses qualitative analysis of secondary data sources. Information is gathered from books, journals, government reports, official websites, and other media. The paper will discuss about the role of teachers in providing high quality education for equitable learning. A crucial factor in the success of the educational system is “Service Quality.” It is crucial for putting into practice educational and institutional norms. This calls out for understanding, what is the quality of service that the teachers must contribute and what is the role of teacher in equitable learning? And this article briefly discusses it thematically.
International Council for Education Research and Training
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