Buddhism has long been recognized as a non-violent, peaceful philosophy and religion. The suggested study aims to illustrate the Buddhist concept of harmony and serenity through a journey. Through the theory of dependent origination, Buddha preached that everything exists in relation to another and so do we human beings and our reactions to others depend on these factors and evils arising out of ignorance. The paper tries to examine the possibility of how global peace and harmony can also be accomplished through this dependency on ourselves as well as others in society. Buddha speaks of various causes of violence especially those arising within the human mind out of ignorance and false understanding of ourselves and our self-constructed world-views. Buddha also gives ways to tackle these violent forces within the individual and without. These have the potential to lead us to the pathways of realization of peace and harmony. Buddha is an exemplary visioner, practitioner and peacemaker; the Buddhist philosophy has contributions to the peace-making process while holding the potential to promote peace and harmony as a way of life through self-examination and self-reflection. In addition to the five precepts, they plant seeds and provide stability and footing for responding to oneself and others with kindness, love, affection, empathic delight, and serenity. This will result in a new way of thinking, believing, behaving, and living. As human behavior changes, the world around shall also respond accordingly and the attainment of peace and harmony becomes a reality. The peaceful means suggested by Buddha and emphasis on a holistic framework for all of mankind and to be practiced every moment of one’s existence, Buddhist philosophy plays a vital role in the peace and harmony-oriented paradigm having a practical outlook and impacting human lives globally.
International Council for Education Research and Training
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