Biodiversity and Conservation


Singh Dilbag, ,Chaudhary Sanju,


Biodiversity, the intricate web of life on Earth, is vital for ecosystem health and human well-being. This paper delves into the profound importance of biodiversity, highlighting its role in maintaining ecosystem services critical to human survival. The exploration covers the complexity of biodiversity, including species diversity, genetic diversity, and ecosystem diversity. The paper further addresses the threats that human activities pose to biodiversity, such as habitat destruction, pollution, climate change, and overexploitation. To counter these threats, the paper outlines a range of conservation strategies. It discusses the significance of protected areas, sustainable resource management, habitat restoration, and the role of conservation genetics. Additionally, international initiatives like the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the work of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) are emphasized as essential for global cooperation. The paper underscores the urgency of collaborative efforts in biodiversity conservation. It emphasizes the need for international cooperation, sustainable practices, and community involvement to ensure the persistence of Earth’s incredible biodiversity for generations to come. The abstract encapsulates the essential elements of the paper, calling for a shared commitment to safeguarding the diversity of life that sustains our planet.


International Council for Education Research and Training

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