The Effect of Project-Based Learning Approach on Lesson Outcomes, Attitudes and Retention of Learned in Secondary School Music


KİBİCİ Volkan Burak1




In this study, the effect of the project-based learning approach applied in the 6th grade music lessons of the secondary school on the students' learning outcomes and their attitudes towards the music lesson was examined. The study was carried out according to the pretest-posttest design with a control group, which is one of the semi-experimental models. The experimental and control groups of the study consisted of 44 (22+22) 6th grade students in secondary school. In the collection of study data, secondary school 6th grade music acquisition test and attitude scales towards music lesson were used. In the experimental group, the project-based learning approach was applied, and in the control group, experimental procedures were applied for 6 weeks in accordance with the instructions of the secondary school 6th grade music lesson curriculum of the Ministry of National Education. In the study, research measurement tools were applied to the experimental and control groups as pretest, posttest and retention test. According to the research findings, students in the experimental group to whom project-based learning approaches were applied achieved significantly higher music lesson achievements, attitudes and retention scores compared to their peers in the control groups.


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