In this study, the five most well-known cryptocurrencies in the blockchain-based decentralized financing structure were compared with the centralized market interest rates, and it was examined whether there is a significant relationship between the changes in market interest rates and the prices of cryptocurrencies. Key findings indicate a significant relationship between most cryptocurrencies, such as Dash, Litecoin, Ethereum, and Bitcoin, with market interest rates. However, XRP emerges as an exception. In addition to the comparative analysis between cryptocurrencies and market interest rates, this study delves into the underlying mechanisms that govern these relationships. It explores the role of blockchain technology in shaping the decentralized financing structure and highlights the intricacies of various cryptographic algorithms. The research also emphasizes the need for specialized accounting practices that cater to the unique challenges posed by cryptocurrencies. This study bridges the understanding between conventional economic mechanisms and the innovative world of cryptocurrencies, offering inferences that are important for investors, financial analysts, and accountants in the digital age.
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