Heredity and Creativity: Mother-Child Sample






The aim of this study is to examine the creativity relationship between children aged 8-10 and their mothers. With this relationship between mother and child, it is aimed to provide information to the literature on creativity and transfer.290 children, 155 girls and 145 boys, and their mothers participated in the study. Torrence Creativity Test Verbal and Formal Form was used to measure the creativity of children and mothers. Tests were administered to children and mothers separately. Data were evaluated by correlation and regression analysis. As a result of the evaluations, a significant correlation was found with the creativity total scores of the mothers and the creativity total score of the children, the abstractness of the titles and the originality sub-dimensions. It was determined that maternal creativity total score predicted child creativity total score, abstractness of child titles and child originality sub-dimensions positively and significantly. A significant correlation was found between mothers' figurative creativity, abstractness of titles sub-dimension scores and children's figural creativity originality sub-dimension scores. A positive and significant correlation was determined between the mothers' figural fluency sub-dimension scores and the abstractness of children's titles, child fluency, child originality and child figural creativity total scores. It was observed that the formal fluency sub-dimension scores of the mothers positively predicted the total scores of the children's formal creativity. No significant correlation was found between the verbal creativity total score and sub-dimension scores of the mothers and the verbal creativity total and sub-dimension scores of the children.


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